Vegetation Indices

Dekadal composites will be generated.
field with * are required

Draw processing area polygon or select a .kml or .zip file to upload. The processing area maximum extent permitted is 48400 square kilometres Be sure to select an area that includes no more than four Sentinel-2 tiles. You can check the "Sentinel-2 tiles layer" button below to display the Sentinel-2 tiles grid.

Processing area (.zip or .kml):
Result filename * : (the processor name and the selected date will be added automatically)
Crop phenological cycle of interest

Start date * :
End date * :
Vegetation indices processor can be executed from one month time range with a limit of 12 months. For instance, processors such as crop location, food crop phenology, tree crop type or tree crop yield demand that the time interval in the vegetation indices is 12 months.